Thursday 1 December 2005

Van Nguyen - less than 24 hours to live

I can hardly write this post without wiping tears from my eyes and clearing the lump in my throat.

When did it become okay to kill? Isn't it the biggest contradiction in terms that those who are charged with either possessing drugs that could potentially kill or who murder are then killed themselves? This 25 year boy, who should by any right live at least another 50 years will have his life taken - not by a higher being - but by another man. And, in such a cruel and inhumane manner.

How can any sane person support capital punishment? Singapore, who many believe is a liberal, advanced country has shown its true colours to the world. Barbarians! And to add even more insult to injury, his mother has not (at the time I'm writing this) even been given the opportunity to touch her son, to hold him, console him. The son she carried in her womb, laboured and gave birth to. This is WRONG! Maybe, because I am a mother now, I feel the pain even more deeply, more intensely. But, I also know there are millions of people like myself who are shocked and appalled by members of this human race.

I'm praying, as are many, that there will be an 11th hour reprieve.

Lord, let him live, don't let him hang

P.S I know there are many other people who have been put to death around the world (999 in the United Sates alone since 1976), I know this case is not unique and every life is precious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might be interested in this take - I think the guy lives in Singapore.