Sunday, 14 November 2004

Un-funniest home videos

I hate Funniest Home Videos. Not as much as 60 minutes, but I do hate this stupid show with a passion. Unfortunately, my husband is under the distinct misconception that out 8-month-old finds this pathetic excuse for entertainment funny. She's a baby, she finds her own farts (and loud ones they truly are) hilarious.
Anyway,I was making mashed chicken and zucchini for her and I hear that annoying ``Australia, Australia, this is you''. I nearly stuffed boiling hot baby food into my ears just to make the pain stop! Usually, I would bark at my husband to change the channel. It is a very rare occasion to find the remote in his control, (he calls me the remote Nazi) and I wasn't talking to him, due to a hormonal mood swing of sorts. Anyway, I just can't understand how we are expected to digest the same slop week after week of men impaling themselves on a telegraph pole or stupid teenagers falling off the trampoline. True, I, just like the next person can piss myself stupid at someone hurting themselves, but how many times can it still be deemed funny??? And the parents taping their kids. They can see that their baby is going to really hurt themselves, but they wouldn't dream about putting the camera down to stop their child lose an eye, they might just win a new TV or even DVD player. No joke, this one episode, the idiotic excuse for a mother was taping her toddler eating dog shit.. and laughing about it!
While I'm ranting, I just remembered two commercials I absolutely hate. The Panadol ad, when that ugly, hairy fat guy has a headache and still needs to ``go on stage'' - I seriously want to kick him in the mouth - and the new sunscreen ad when the girls spray sunscreen on the dorky guy ``psst psst'' and then start kissing his back. I don't get it?!?

This time tomorrow night I will be sitting down - with my mobile phone so I can sms my sister during the ad breaks - to watch the last episode of Sex and the City. I just know I will be crying, and I just know many, many women will be taking Prozac the next day to get over the depression of the show ending. Is this how my mother felt when Dynasty's last episode aired? I can honestly say I love this show, I'm, addicted to it, and no other show in history will ever take it's place in my heart. Am I being touch over dramatic? I don't think so, so many women I know feel exactly the same way. Why oh why does it have to end???????

Maybe I need to get a hobby.

By the way, still craving Krispy Kremes.