Thursday, 4 November 2004

Pretty Boy and Drag Queen

GUESS WHAT? My little bubby has a tooth! Finally!! Now, if only she'll start to crawl.....So far, she hasn't bitten me, but it's just broken through the gum so we'll see just how long it will be until she graduates to a bottle. My clever little munchkin has also added a few words to her ever increasing repetoire. KA KA = yuck. She says this SO emphatically when she doesn't like what I'm feeding her or when my mother-in-law is around (ONLY JOKING! That was just a snide little remark I couldn't resist). It's really very cute!
Anyway, back to the subject of this blog. I have two gorgeous rainbow lorikeets that visit me every morning. I've nick named them Pretty Boy and Drag Queen obviously due to their gorgeously coloured plumage. It all started about two weeks ago. One landed on my kitchen window sill. My little bub was so excited and tried to jump out of my arms. Anyway, my other half wouldn't let me give them chocolate (doesn't every body love chocolate?) and proceeded to soak some white bread in water for them. Now, I'm not the biggest animal lover (especially not cats! I will one day tell you the story that spurned my hatred of these vile creatures. Lets just say there are a lot of feral cats in Jordan), but these birdies are so cute. After that first feed, the next morning, I was snoozing in bed when I heard a rat-tat-tat on the kitchen window. And, lo and behold, they were waking me up, tapping the glass with their beaks for brekky. How intelligent. It appears as if each of these birds' brain capacity is larger than George W Bushs's!! However, on Monday, I thought I'd go one step further and bought them some bird seed from Coles. I think this was a big mistake as the second I put out the seed and water, this stupid ugly kamikaze bird (I don't actually know the name of this type of bird, but it has a yellow ring around it's beak and it dives, like a kamikaze bomber at everything that moves, even brush-tailed possums) landed on my sill. I sprayed this ugly feathered thing with the kitchen tap and, after I thoroughly doused its feathers, it flew away, albeit begrudgingly. My husband was unsympathetic to my plight (''I told you so'',he said typical male) but I haven't seen Pretty Boy or his gay-lover (does gay-ness exist in the animal world) for three days.
I think kamikaze has frightened them away. Stupid bird.
Anyway, am meeting a friend for a de-caf mocha in about an hour so I'd better get out of these PJ's. I would appreciate any tips on how to lure my winged-friends back to my sill. My little sunshine loves them, and I've become quite attached as well.
Oh Pretty boy and Drag Queen, where art thou???

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