Friday, 5 November 2004

Will he be buried in Jerusalem?

I am afraid, very afraid.

Typically, there are conflicting reports on whether Arafat is dead or not. One thing is for certain, there is no doubt that even if he is still clinically alive at the moment, it won't be for long. This rapid deterioration has left me afraid. How many deaths will transpire as the result of the passing of this old man? Bloodshed and turmoil have been predicted. Without a doubt, Israeli troops will soon be mobilised in ''hot spots'', rallies will break out and mourning will envelope a nation.

And how about his burial? Will the butcher Sharon stay true to his word and refuse entry to Arafat, even in death, to the Holy City?
Personally, I feel disgusted at the thought of this. I believe there will be bloodshed. Israel will use this as an excuse to commit more atrocities. It will be a disaster for the Palestinian people.

I really am afraid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The old egyptian child molesting homosexual koranimal terrorist scumbag died of AIDS. He should have been buried face down with his ass facing meccacca stuffed with pork chops.