Wednesday, 3 November 2004

Dubya's back!!!

What a sad, black day it is in the history of the world. An ignorant, bigoted, murderous, dim-witted Texan has once again seized the reigns as the ``Leader of the Free World.'' I use this term loosely as I neither have faith in him being a ``Leader'' as much as America epitomises the essence of a free, fair, democratic country in the world. His re-election speaks volumes of the attitude and morals of the American population in general and equally of the strength of the Jewish Lobby.
But let's not get into that. It's far too depressing and I'm sure every wog and his dog has an opinion and comment re: this terrible result.
Maybe in another four years' time the IQ of the American people (who vote) might rise a little and a competent president might be elected. A Black-female president may take the reigns? (AS long as it's not Condalezza Rice). In other words, when pigs fly!!!
Do I sound too cynical?


Unknown said...

Please don't lump all American voters into one block. There are a LOT of Americans who think Bush is horrible for the world. And I am most definitely one of them. There are a lot of people fighting him.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I offended you, I know there are a lot of people in America who are just like you and oppose Bush. I didn't mean to generalise, I just meant that the majority of the voters, as the polls showed, are a bunch of idiots, including my sister's future in-laws (bigots from Utah) who think being Palestinian is the same thing as being Iraqi and that she is a Terrorist that wants Bush dead. :) Tara's Mum