Friday 17 February 2006

Okay, so I promised last post I would catch all my readers up to speed - but I lied. Well, I had ever intention, but life has a way of getting the better of you. In a nutshell this is what's been going on the last 2 and a half months:

Three trips to the Emergency Room - Tara falling down the stairs resulting in a pulled elbow. She also gave herself a paper cut to the eye (don't ask) and one trip for me. I broke my pinky toe. Now before you laugh, it freakin hurt like billy-o and it's now a demented shape. My 12th broken bone. You should have seen the radiologist's eyes pop out of his head when he was handed my file. I told him I was accident prone - they think my husband bashes me.

Christmas and New Year - need I say more? Thank God for Ebay where I did all my Christmas Shopping.

A bout of icky toddler diahhreah, one high fever (Eden's first) and a friend's 30th Birthday party. My gorgeous angel Eden is still not crawling, but does this stomach-shimmy and roll to get about. She's so chubby cute, I just want to eat her thighs.

Ohh and let's not forget no sleep. I've had that many hairy nights e.g both Tara and Eden waking at 1am and falling asleep at 5.30am I'm ready to run straight into a brick wall and knock myself out.

I do have one major thing I'm looking forward to.

Can you believe it? I'm super excited as we are taking her and her cousins to an indoor playcentre to just run amock. She can now put five word sentences together (a little genius like her mum) and has been practicing all week how she's going to blow out her candles at her ``PAR-TEEE''

And I'm also super excited about another big event coming up. A really dear, sweet friend of mine who relocated to the States a few years ago is coming home to get married. I CAN'T WAIT to see you Aff-faces (she knows who she is).

Okay, I'll go check the buggers are still in bed and then I'll post again. I have so much I want to write. Eden has rolled off my bed twice in two weeks. Lucky she's chubby. She just bounced back up.

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