For all those who know me, I'm pretty vain about my hair
I whinge a lot about it the curls being a pain, but my crowning glory is probably my best feature (when the regrowth isn't showing, that is.)
Anyway, I've had hair dramas since giving birth to Tara. During the pregnancy it was full and long and just gorgeous.
My sister warned me not to get too attached to it.
Being a hair expert, she had seen a plethora of post-pregnancy women in hysterics as clumps of their locks had fallen out and they had to succomb to a crew cut.
Lo and behold, three months after Tara-girl was born, my hair starting falling out. Lucky for me, however I was soon pregos again with Edee and it was thick and lustrous again - and I tried a new colour.
However, the worst was yet to come.
Three months after Eden was born, my hair started falling out BIG TIME. Clumps would fall out in the shower and I would scream for my hubby to come in and check for bald spots. My hair line thinned out pretty quickly but I was loath to cut it, hanging on for sheer life to the ragged length of copper hair which now resembled an unbrushed horse mane.
I had always promised my hubby I wasn't going to be those women who, when they got married would chop off their femininity after becoming a Mrs and a Mum.
So, when I fell pregant this year, I waited the obligatory three months to colour it, and went for the chop - and changed colour yet again. I cried and yearned for the long locks. While my darling sister only cut the bare minimum, I felt naked without it. It wasn't that short - just below my shoulders - but to me it was akin to boy's hair.
I soon got over it. It its much healthier and growing (thanks to oestrogen) at a record pace.
Which leads me to the subject of this blog. It has grown so fast, I had to get it coloured again this week.
Usually a pain free exercise, this colour session was a nightmare.
My sister found a grey hair!
It was devastating, and I'm not exagerating. She yanked it out by the root and tossed it haphazardly at me. I was in tears. I have kept the hair, which is half snow white and half bright red. Gosh, I'm really feeling old.
My predictions are coming true, my husband is going to send me grey. Now for my next prediction to come true - the kids are going to send me to the loony bin.
Watch this space.