Tuesday, 7 December 2004

More pitter patter of tiny feet,

I can't believe it has been a week and a half since I blogged last, but I have a real excuse.
The best reason is that, wait for it, I'M PREGNANT!!! Yes, I will be going through the whole birth thing all over again come next winter. My darling husband and I had it all confirmed last week. For those of you who have never witnessed an ultrasound, it is truly amazing. The little bugger was even sucking it's thumb! I think, for a while, I was in that Egyptian river, yes DENIAL, but it has definitely sunk in now. While my little princess and the new addition will only be 15 months apart, I'm ecstatic that the Lord has blessed us with another miracle. The morning sickness hasn't been all that bad, it's more the tiredness and headaches, but now all those cravings for Krispy Kremes and Violet Crumbles can be explained. Ohh, and also the reason why I've put on 5 kilograms. (well, that's what I'm telling myself)

The second reason why I haven't blogged is that I picked up some chesty/fluey thing last week. You know that one; blocked ears, blocked nose, chills, sweats and a terrible cough. I honestly haven't been sick like that since 1999 - my last Kickboxing bout. It's totally knocked me for six, and I'm still coughing up green phlegm (gross, I know).

The third reason is that our Hot Water system decided to shit itself last week and it's been an expensive hassle getting it fixed. Something like this always happens just before Christmas, as well as an extra mortgage payment and car insurance. I suppose my loved ones are getting Scratchies this year.

The fourth reason is my angel has been teething, i.e no sleep, clingy, snotty nose, screaming, you get the idea. Yesterday, all she wanted me to do was carry her while standing, I wasn't allowed to sit down. My poor hubby slept on the couch last night - he had to get up at dawn to catch a flight to Melbourne - just to get some sleep.

Well, that's my run down. I should be able to get a little inspiration tonight to write something a bit more entertaining.

``So long have I, gazed into your eyes, wondering what they'd look like on a new born child.''


Anonymous said...

Hi, Anonymous again.
Another line from the Emancipation album!
I must reveal my identify, when I get round to registering a blog ID.

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations, by the way. Good luck from a father of one beautiful 20 month old girl.

Honey said...


U must be a huge Prince fan like me! Get blogging! I'll try to put a really cryptic line from a Prince song hidden in an up coming blog to see if u can pick it. Look out for it in the next couple of days. Thanks for the congrats, it's going to be an exciting next couple of months.

Darp said...

Congrats again!

I'll be seeing you sometime next week.

I might add haloscan comments onto here, that way ANYONE can comment without having to register a blogger ID.

Honey said...

Thx Darp,
go ahead and put the comment thingy on
PS, call me a couple of hours b4 u pop in so u can put your order in for din dins