Thursday, 9 December 2004

Newsreaders shit me!

What's happened to Helen Kapalos?

Everytime I see her, her hair gets shorter and her voice gets deeper. I can't stand listening to her read the news!!! I would rather stick my head in the freezer and repeatedly bang the door on my head. She talks as if she has something in her mouth that tastes disgusting and is about to throw it up. I don't really mean to be this nasty, but if they need a token wog on Channel 9 news, why not employ me? I'm not saying I'm a supermodel, but I'm sure I'd do a better job than her.

Phew, I've vented.

Anyway, on a completely different subject, with Christmas coming, up, everybody's looking for the answer, everybody wants salvation for the soul. I was really pissed off the other day when some people from other religions (NOT NAMING for FEAR of reprisal) have found Christmas decorations OFFENSIVE! This, I find complete lunacy. A few months ago, there was this GIANT candelabra-thingy (AGAIN, not naming names) in Chatswood which I found a waste of space - it's not like there was a change of faith in the Willoughby City Council constitution, but the point is, I didn't go on radio, stirring up hate by saying I found it offensive. What the hell did Christmas baubles and trees ever do to these people! I understand freedom of religion, but the last time I looked, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Next thing you will hear is that Santa has been replaced with the title ``The Man in the red suit who gives ALL people a free Westfield Colouring book at ALL times of year.''

Speaking about Santa, my hubby and bubby and I are going to get our picture with Santa tonight. This is very exciting as I'm not sure whether my little angel will pull off his fake beard or poke his eyes out. Ohh, by the way, my husband refuses to call him Santa, it's (apparently) St Nicholas. I've warned him that if he pushes this line with my daughter, she will be seen as the weird kid at school.

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