Monday, 25 October 2004

60 Bloody Minutes

I really, really hate 60 Minutes.
Once again, this horrendous excuse for a hard-hitting current affairs program has left me lurching my Latina pasta dinner into the dunny. I was flipping between watching fat singers on Australian Idol and a wasp killing a spider on Channel 7, when I accidentally landed on Ch 9. Two, smiling, absolutely stunning Ethiopian children stared back. Oceans of sadness in their deep eyes were hidden by the supreme joy of being adopted by Canberrans Jeff and Jane (or whatever their names were). I cried with open abandon (and it wasn't the hormones, ok, maybe just a bit) as these innocent babies were yanked away and forced to say goodbye to their family - albeit for a better (?) life. Now, I don't want to get into a whole ethical/moral debate about adoption - I truly believe there are circumstances when this can be amazing for both the children and the parents. My problem was not with the story, Peter Overton was touching. But it was the following story that made me barf. Pampered pooches given the run of the "mansion'', being fed roast chicken and wearing Luis Vuitton while sipping (lapping) cafe lattes. How can 60 Minutes have the gaul, nay the complete lack of social conscience to show the slums of Adis Abbaba littered with orphans juxtposed with a Samoyed eating a gourmet meal out of a China bowl. I'm NEVER watching that pathetic, excuse of a show again. What made it worse was the journo (if that's what you can call him) Mike whatever asked the really scary dog owner - picture the overtanned old bag from There's Something About Mary, add a really bad black wig and then stick her head in a blender - something along the lines of how she could condone spending all this money on a dog. Her answer - ready for it - was ``I tell people, this is Australia and we take care of our mates''. Just writing this make me cringe and embarassed that this woman is a member of our fair country. What is wrong with these people!!!! I don't claim to be Mother Theresa, but seriously, this is abso-freakin-lutely PATHETIC. If this is what having too much money does I'd be happy to live my life from pay-check to pay-check. Phew.. I've go that off my chest.
AND while I'm on the subject of Sunday night viewing, Australian Idol is getting more painful to watch every single week. Chanel Cole, here's a word of advice. You are NOT cute, you CANNOT sing and you are REALLY, REALLY annoying. Your try-hard coquetish gestures are getting old. You have no talent. Courtney, nice voice, but you look like a giant Leprechaun. Try singing a Committments song. Casey, go on a diet - not for image sake but for your health, you're only bloody 16. Anthony, come out of the closet. Halley, I hope you win just to piss off Mark Holden.
I'm really a nice person. Ask Darp.
Still typing without a mouse.
May You Live To See The Dawn.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like I was fortunate to turn off 60 minutes after the Ethiopian kids segment. I too cried - and I'm a 37 year old male, with a child of my own (18 months) so I can imagine the emotions they were going through.
Anyway, my comment was regarding the reason the doctors gave the couple why they couldn't have children of their own... "busy lifestyle"! Aren't alarm bells sounding somewhere? If they haven't got time to back off from their "oh so important" jobs, then how are they going to give quality time to their newly acquired kids?

Sam said...

I didn't watch any of 60 Minutes but I did catch that wasp killing the spider over on Seven. That was chilling! I didn't realise wasps could be evil, but clearly, I was wrong.