Sunday, 24 October 2004

I had a great sleep in this morning. My partner took care of getting the sunshine-of-my life fed and nappy changed and I had a leisurely sleep until 11.50am. I swear nothing beats sleeping in on an overcast Sunday. Ahhh. Anyway, the Christening was fun and, surprise, surprise, the waitresses weren't rude. They did however speak to me in Croatian, but that's ok, I just nod and smile and say Hvala (thankyou) a lot. As they say, when in Croatia do as the Croatians.
My baby has no teeth. Every morning I check. Every morning, nada. The reason I check so religiously is that I don't want to get a rude surprise one morning and get my nipple chomped off. I've heard it happens, no seriously! I met this woman in a Parent's Room a few months ago who actually showed me her disfigured boob. Not a pretty sight. The joys of motherhood.
I'm not sure what we're going to do today. There's always the standing invite at my parent's house to come over for lunch/dinner. Mum has already called twice, as has my sister. The menu doesn't sound too appealing though - stuffed spleen. Just thinking about eating an animal's innards makes me want to chuck. (Maybe it was the food last night? I feel a little queasy.) Mum assured me she will make me anything my little heart desires. She's such a sweet, wog-mum. I actually think she lives for Sunday's. Eventhough I see her like four-times (if not more) during the week, it's on Sunday's when she gets us all into her nest. The kids (minus the one living overseas), the grandkids and her unmarried brother. He sometimes tries to escape the Sunday feast. He takes his phone off the hook, locks his front door, but she's like the Liquid-Metal guy from Terminator 2 - she doesn't give up. I've even seen her scale his Terrace house fence to the second storey window. Just picture it, it's really funny. Eventhough he's in his 50's and is a superb cook (he opened the first vegetarian restaurant in Balmain in the 70s), she thinks he'll starve if he doesn't have at least 15 courses of her cooking once a week.
Baby is sleeping - or should I say having a power-nap. They say that babes that don't sleep a great deal have a higher IQ. If this is the case, than my little one will be the youngest Mensa graduate, EVER. She has three 30min naps during the day and that's all. No wonder my hubby sometimes comes home after work and finds I'm still in my PJ's, my hair is like a Fraggle and I haven't brushed my teeth. Honestly, she sleeps for exactly 30 mins. People don't believe me until they see it for themselves. But, I shouldn't whinge too much, I sometimes accidentally (on purpose) wake her up so we can play. Ohh, she's such a little munchkin. And a vocal one at that. She has actually learned to say two words together. NAM NAM MA MA - food mummy. Bless

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