Friday 14 October 2005

Tara the Terrible's Toddler Tantrums

I came really close to losing it in Woolworths the other day.

Picture this, I'm laden down with groceries, have a chubby four-month old in the baby bjorn carrier, and a screaming (yet somehow still gorgeous) toddler screaming bloody murder. Her problem, she didn't want to sit back down into her pram. Do you know how hard it is to put a struggling, very feisty toddler into her pram, and strap her down? Everyone was staring at me , tsk tsk tsking, shaking their heads and mumblilng something about me being the worst mum on earth. While I kept a serene smile on my face and kept calling her ''Princess'' I really wanted to smack her and call her a little shit. Thank God for small graces, a nice lady helped me put the now beetroot faced Tara into her pram who was by now wailing ''daddy - Tara'' over and over again at the top of her lungs. If it wasn't for the curls we share, people might have thought I 'd abducted her from her father. My wish at that moment was that her daddy was the stay-at-home and I was somewhere, anywhere else. I would have even wanted to be a Checkout Chick.

Today, we're taking her to see Bananas in pajamas. Let's hope we don't have another meltdown


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did you say about her father, hes an angel