Wednesday, 2 March 2005

Happy Birthday my baby!

WOW! Where has the year gone? My little munchkin is one today and I just can't belive it! I know every parent must say this, but it has gone past way too quickly.

A year ago today I was in a very short, (thank God) labour. Excruciating pain followed by the most surreal, indescribable rush of emotions. The first time I gazed onto her tiny face, I fell instantly in love. I'm so grateful for her and thank God every day for we are truly blessed to have her. Owwwww!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, ther ehave been some very hairy moments. Let me recall just few. Runny poos, not wanting to sleep, chasing her around the house in an atempt to feeed her and, the beauty, having her vomit in my mouth.

But, the fanatstic times outweigh all of these times a million to one. Her first feed, smile and the first time she said MAMA. Crawling, standing and being enthralled by the sound of the washing machine.

The scariest thing, however, is that within a blink of an eye, my baby will have a brother or sister. Three months and counting! This is the main reason I haven;t blogged in so long. I'm exhausted and getting bigger every minute. I can't wait! I just hope everything goes well and this little baby is healthy.

Well, I must run. I have a cake to buy. I'm hoping to blog again soon. Sorry readers.


Anonymous said...

You Slack-Arse.....finally you blogged. I check out your site once a week (lately every 2-3 expecting to find nothing) to see if you blogged on or not, but i find nothing, nothing i tell you! Keep blogging girl i love reading your stories and articles. Hope to see ya soon.


40 Days for Life said...

Excellent post, very uplifting. But all of us are nine months older than birthdates give us credit for.