Friday, 29 September 2006

My beautiful girls

I know everyone thinks their children are the most beautiful kids in the world, but I'm not like everyone else, I KNOW mine are!
Seriously, all children are beautiful, and the biggest blesssing is that of a healthy child.
Here are some pics I couldn't resist but share.

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Pregnant Again!

OH MY GOD, has it been five months since I blogged last?

It feels like a lifetime ago.

So much has happened - the most exciting being the subject of this blog - and yet I feel as if it has only been five days.

Well, a quick recap would go along the lines of this;
Got a great job at Australian Associated Press (app 3-4 days a week)
Eden turned 1 (and only started walking three weeks ago - lazy bum)
I got knocked up again (vomiting, vomiting and more vomiting)
I turned 30 (yibkes! And couldn't do the three things I always wanted to do on my 30th - get drunk, get a tattoo, smoke a pack of cigarettes)
Tara turned 2-and-a-half is a the cheekiest, most adorable little angel/devil who refuses to be toilet trained.
STILL haven't moved house. This will have to happen very, very soon as I'm sure I will go completely bananas (ok, already am) if I have to live there much longer.

I hope I haven't lost all of my readers, but I suppose this is the quickest way to let all the people I know that I'm up the duff. While, I'm totally ecstatic about having another baby, you wouldn't believe the reactions I've got from 99% of people I have told. I can honestly say only a handful have said ''congratulations'' when they first found out, the majority getting a look of horror on their faces and exclaiming quite loudly ''OH, MY GOD''. This, to say the very least is EXTREMELY disheartening. All one is supposed to say is, God Bless or Congrats. A running commentary about how CRAZY I must be, or that I'm going to be busy (duh Fred) is completely unwanted and unwarranted. It's not like I'm having my 25th child! And even if I was, it's really no-ones business, so there!

And anyway, aren't I doing just what our esteemed Treasurer has asked of us? ``One for mum, one for dad and one for your country''. I is a true blue Aussie I is.

Now, I've got that little tirade out of my system, I'd better get back to work.
I promise not to leave it five months before I blog again.

Love and Kisses,