Wednesday, 26 October 2005

I believe in the power of prayer

One of my best friends in the world is undergoing surgery this morning to remove a malignant tumour.

This friend of mine is more like a sister. She has always been there for me, ever since I was four years old. She has been there through all my joyful times and my woeful times. She has been a consistent force of love in my life. She needs your prayers.

Whether you believe prayer has the power to heal, I implore anyone reading this blog to take 2 minutes and just send a positve thought, a quiet prayer for health.

Thank you

Saturday, 22 October 2005

Is this Gumby?

... or is this Gumby?

I'm not a huge fan of Australian Idol, but what gives me a great deal of hilarity is the way James Mathieson (one of the hosts) reminds me of Gumby.

Next time you watch the show, take extra note and notice just how he just DOES NOT BLINK!
It's quite funny.

What a Gumby!

Saturday, 15 October 2005

Ralph Wiggum MP

Separated at Birth?

Actor Richard Attenborough, ''Roger Bartlet'' The Great Escape
I was watching the Great Escape tonight (for the millionth time) and I couldn't help but chuckle at the striking resemblance between my local MP (see below) and Richard Attenborough. That goofy smile, big teeth and googly eyes! If I only I can dig up a picture of Robbo in his Army Reserve uniform - they'd look like twins.

On the other hand, my husband thinks Anthony Roberts looks more like Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons. HE HE HE

Anthony Roberts, Lane Cove MP

Friday, 14 October 2005

Tara the Terrible's Toddler Tantrums

I came really close to losing it in Woolworths the other day.

Picture this, I'm laden down with groceries, have a chubby four-month old in the baby bjorn carrier, and a screaming (yet somehow still gorgeous) toddler screaming bloody murder. Her problem, she didn't want to sit back down into her pram. Do you know how hard it is to put a struggling, very feisty toddler into her pram, and strap her down? Everyone was staring at me , tsk tsk tsking, shaking their heads and mumblilng something about me being the worst mum on earth. While I kept a serene smile on my face and kept calling her ''Princess'' I really wanted to smack her and call her a little shit. Thank God for small graces, a nice lady helped me put the now beetroot faced Tara into her pram who was by now wailing ''daddy - Tara'' over and over again at the top of her lungs. If it wasn't for the curls we share, people might have thought I 'd abducted her from her father. My wish at that moment was that her daddy was the stay-at-home and I was somewhere, anywhere else. I would have even wanted to be a Checkout Chick.

Today, we're taking her to see Bananas in pajamas. Let's hope we don't have another meltdown


Tuesday, 4 October 2005

I have an addiction

You may be wondering where I have been.

Well, I've discovered something that gets my pulse running, my adrenalin pumping, gives me a sense of euphoria - but is highly addictive.

it's Ebay.

While I know I'm pretty slow in discovering this wonderful past time, I love it! The danger is that I've already won two items and am currently bidding on another 15! Uh-oh I know I should have lowered the limit on the credit card.

Is there an Ebay Anonymous out there? I may have to start up a support group.