The morning after the night before!
Today, I have done nothing.
Seriously, I have only done the bare minimum one has to do when they have two babies. I have done no housework, no cooking, no getting out of PJ's until I showered the girls and no going out.
We got home pretty late from my brother's 21st party last night and I just wanted to laze all day. It was pretty exciting getting all dolled up - even if it was just for my parent's backyard. To get into some sexy heels and slap on some make up made me feel young and pretty.
I have done one thing though, yell at the people living down stairs. I truly am a really nice person, but get on the wrong side of me and I can turn into a snarling lioness. To cut a long story short, the couple downstairs were banging around all night - as you know my babies are light sleepers - and by 9.30pm I was fuming. Every bang they made startled Tara and Eden and I'd had enough. I wasn't that rude, until the cow said it was OUR fault for not insulating out place properly. The gaul of some people. It's an old unit block and they only moved in 3 months ago and they think they own the place. She even had the hide to say she hears running - i.e Tara playing - but they don't complain.
I was about to smack her.
I basically told them to piss off and walked back up stairs with ``talk to the hand gesture'' held up.
Anyway, about last night. The party was great, they all seemed to have a good time, but they were all so TAME. I can't understand it. I - and all my friends at 21- were abso-fucken-lutely WILD, especially at parties. But, I suppose you have to understand my dearest brother and his mates. Let me try to explain.
They are the beautiful people you see on billboards, video clips and Diet Coke commercials. And my brother and his best friend Gian-Carlo (yes, I know the name is even super cool) are like walking Calvin Klein posters. They all wear DESIGNER clothes, Versace bling is a must and drive European cars - not fast but super slow so everyone gets a good perve. They also have these stunning girlfriends and chiseled physiques, the envy of many. (I'm jealous). When they are not working they are either:
1) getting a hair cut
2) getting a part of their body waxed
3) sunbaking (a tan shows off their bulging muscles even better)
4) clothes shopping -(only designer)
5) going to the gym.
They only eat protein rich foods, no fat, junk food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sweets or chocolate and their favorite pastime is - wait for it - taking photos of themselves. They have photos of themselves EVERYWHERE.
But, they even do this in style. Posing is a must and smiling is not allowed. Imagine a cross between Zoolander and a P.Diddy music video. You get the idea.
It actually got really funny watching these kids - who were all wearing ITALIAN WHITE LEATHER SHOES, (apparently this is the latest fashion trend) - snap away on the obligatory digital camera, each one has glued to their hand, and strike a pose.
And, of my God the presents! I think each one was trying to out-do the other! In my day ( I sound so lame) we gave bottle of Sambuca and $50 gift vouchers to HMV for 21st gifts. My brother received designer fragrances, diamond jewelry, vintage bottles of Moet (which will never be drunk as they don't do alcohol) and the latest European designer clothes.
I'm just being jealous cos I shop at Target
I think I'm being a bit harsh. They are great kids, really good. They are never in trouble with the cops or mixed up with anything illegal and are always polite and respectful. What more could you ask for? It's hard enough for teenagers these days to stay on track (am I starting to sound like my mum?), so if their only crime is spending every last cent of their pay packets on the latest diamond-encrusted Longines watch, then so be it.
I do love my brother, I adore him.
Happy Birthday Bro.