What a boring post this is going to be. But, I have logged onto the net so I might aswell post.
Have done the laundry, the girls are having their avo naps and I'm heading off to my sisters to see my gorgeous niece.
That's about it.
OH, by the way, I have noticed that I have never written a post about my love for the ever amazing Prince. I will soon. I hope my girls have the same love for him and his music when they grow up. When I was pregnant with Tara I went to his fab concert and I always played his music to both girls when they were in utero. Often, Tara and I put on his DVD of music videos and dance around hysterically in the loungeroom - our own mini Prince concerts.
I think our downstairs neighbours hate me.
Welcome to the Dawn
Friday, 29 July 2005
Thursday, 21 July 2005
It's a girl!
Not only am I super excited for her - she has three gorgeous boys, but I finally have a niece! She is absolutely stunning. I know she will be wearing a lot of hand-me-downs from my girls. As a matter of fact, I have already passed on a few things from Eden - she's such a chubber and has already outgrown a number of clothes.
Ahhhh, I can't wait to see her again. I'm so proud of my sis!
What's really exciting is my girls will have a cousin so close to their ages that they will grow up together, be best friends (hopefully) and have each other to lean on.
I'm getting teary .... school formals, birthday parties, boyfriends, weddings. Okay, I'm jumping ahead of myself just a tad.
It's the hormones.
Not only am I super excited for her - she has three gorgeous boys, but I finally have a niece! She is absolutely stunning. I know she will be wearing a lot of hand-me-downs from my girls. As a matter of fact, I have already passed on a few things from Eden - she's such a chubber and has already outgrown a number of clothes.
Ahhhh, I can't wait to see her again. I'm so proud of my sis!
What's really exciting is my girls will have a cousin so close to their ages that they will grow up together, be best friends (hopefully) and have each other to lean on.
I'm getting teary .... school formals, birthday parties, boyfriends, weddings. Okay, I'm jumping ahead of myself just a tad.
It's the hormones.
Lets see if I pass the audition
What a hectic week!
I've been on tenderhooks this past seven days waiting for my sister to pop out baby number four. I'm more nervous for her than I was for myself. This time will be different though because while I was present at her other three labours, I won't be this time because my little Eden is still too little to leave for any extended period of time with my husband - he hasn't got boobs to breastfeed her. I feel so sorry for my sis as her labours are always pretty horrendous and it was pretty scary with baby number three. Also she's been having contractions since she was 7 months prego and been hospitalised four times with false alarms.
As you might have read in a previous post, I was wondering if I should attempt to get onto Temptation. Well guess what? I'm going for an audition in the next couple of weeks! I hope I pass. Could you imagine if I do get on? I swear, if I do, and I really stink, I'm going to bomb out BIG TIME. I'll just buzz and answer really badly and hopefully I can be the first to get into negative figures. he he he he
I must run as I can hear the baby stirring and it seems that Tara has done a stinky bog.
I've been on tenderhooks this past seven days waiting for my sister to pop out baby number four. I'm more nervous for her than I was for myself. This time will be different though because while I was present at her other three labours, I won't be this time because my little Eden is still too little to leave for any extended period of time with my husband - he hasn't got boobs to breastfeed her. I feel so sorry for my sis as her labours are always pretty horrendous and it was pretty scary with baby number three. Also she's been having contractions since she was 7 months prego and been hospitalised four times with false alarms.
As you might have read in a previous post, I was wondering if I should attempt to get onto Temptation. Well guess what? I'm going for an audition in the next couple of weeks! I hope I pass. Could you imagine if I do get on? I swear, if I do, and I really stink, I'm going to bomb out BIG TIME. I'll just buzz and answer really badly and hopefully I can be the first to get into negative figures. he he he he
I must run as I can hear the baby stirring and it seems that Tara has done a stinky bog.
Thursday, 14 July 2005
Don't they look similar?

Eden at 5 weeks
I was going through some pictures of Tara when she a newborn and I just couldn't get over just how similar Eden looks at the same age. While Edee is a lot chubbier, has a smaller nose and a larger mouth, you could almost pass these two pictures off as the same baby!
I love my girls!!! ohhh shucks.
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
What do you do when your baby eats their own poo?
I am by nature a very squeamish person.
Not only am I a sympathetic vomiter - an unfortunate trait I have inherited from my mum - (why couldn't I have inherited her stunning looks?) public toilets, a range of smells, hairy backs, raw eggs and many other things turn my tum. Imagine my horror as I saw my beautiful Tara eat her own poo! Let me paint a picture. Do not read on if you too are squeamish.
I had been up all night with the mother of all migraines. My husband had tried unsuccessfully to settle Eden who was having trouble doing a poo. At 5.30am, Eden decided to do her poo. It seeped through her nappy, singlet, body suit, pyjamas and blanket. Now, as I explained earlier, I had a really bad migraine, the pain of which made me vomit my guts up. Facing this sticky, green goo, I proceeded to hurl again - but I had no choice but to change the baby who by now was screeching at the top of her lungs. ( She hates being undressed). This ear piercing scream inturn woke up Tara who needs no excuse to join us all in bed. With four in the bed, my husband in a foul mood and my migraine, it wasn't the best of nights. Anyway, to get back to the subject of this blog. A few hours later, and feeling like I had been 15 rounds with Kostya, with half closed eyes, I had to change Tara's nappy. As I reached down to grab the wipes, she stuck her fingers in the khaki mess and before I could stop her, stuck her finger in her mouth. There was a big blob of poo stuck to her front teeth. At this point I started dry retching. I was torn between washing her mouth out or running to the toilet to puke. Now, you would think that if you ate your own excrement, you would automatically chuck up, but the little bugger thought it was the funniest thing in her life. I wish someone would explain to me how it takes me hours sometimes to force delicious food in her gob, but she happily eats her own shit!
This was by far the most disgusting thing I have so far experienced as a mother.
The joys of motherhood.
My head pounds, baby just woke, gotta run.
Not only am I a sympathetic vomiter - an unfortunate trait I have inherited from my mum - (why couldn't I have inherited her stunning looks?) public toilets, a range of smells, hairy backs, raw eggs and many other things turn my tum. Imagine my horror as I saw my beautiful Tara eat her own poo! Let me paint a picture. Do not read on if you too are squeamish.
I had been up all night with the mother of all migraines. My husband had tried unsuccessfully to settle Eden who was having trouble doing a poo. At 5.30am, Eden decided to do her poo. It seeped through her nappy, singlet, body suit, pyjamas and blanket. Now, as I explained earlier, I had a really bad migraine, the pain of which made me vomit my guts up. Facing this sticky, green goo, I proceeded to hurl again - but I had no choice but to change the baby who by now was screeching at the top of her lungs. ( She hates being undressed). This ear piercing scream inturn woke up Tara who needs no excuse to join us all in bed. With four in the bed, my husband in a foul mood and my migraine, it wasn't the best of nights. Anyway, to get back to the subject of this blog. A few hours later, and feeling like I had been 15 rounds with Kostya, with half closed eyes, I had to change Tara's nappy. As I reached down to grab the wipes, she stuck her fingers in the khaki mess and before I could stop her, stuck her finger in her mouth. There was a big blob of poo stuck to her front teeth. At this point I started dry retching. I was torn between washing her mouth out or running to the toilet to puke. Now, you would think that if you ate your own excrement, you would automatically chuck up, but the little bugger thought it was the funniest thing in her life. I wish someone would explain to me how it takes me hours sometimes to force delicious food in her gob, but she happily eats her own shit!
This was by far the most disgusting thing I have so far experienced as a mother.
The joys of motherhood.
My head pounds, baby just woke, gotta run.
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