To quote an Aussie icon.....
I'm disgusted, appalled, scared, angry and horrified by the actions of my so-called fellow Australians.
But, I'm not shocked or surprised.
What happened at Cronulla and then subsequently at neighbouring suburbs Brighton, Maroubra etc makes me BOIL. To all those people who believe Australia is a fair and racist-free country, they are COMPLETELY deluded. This farce of MULTICULTURALISM is just a catch phrase, a loosely thrown around word which people hide behind in an effort to mask their true racist feelings.
Now, before I go on, I would like to first make it clear where I stand.
Violence is WRONG, there is NO excuse for humans to act like animals. I do not condone what happened firstly to the surf lifesaver, nor to the THOUSANDS of racists that came out en force yesterday to `protest' nor the retaliatory strikes later that night.
However, there is blame to place. The police, the media and more generally the culture of Australia. Oh, and the individual idiots who actually SPECIFICALLY went out for a fight. Let's not kid ourselves, the 5000 strong crowd did not go out to protest in a positive, nationalistic manner.
They knew there was going to be a riot. Why the hell weren't they were better prepared? Why didn't they stop the massive crowd from disintegrating into such a disgusting pack of animals? Why weren't they more vigilant with banning alcohol on the beach? Why didn't they use fire hydrants or some other means rather than tiny bottles of capsicum spray (which are only effective on 1 person at close range)? They are pathetic! They looked like a bunch of scared pussys.
Which leads me to ask. Did they want this to happen? Everyone knows (even though I'm not from the Shire) there have always been racial tensions in the area.
As a (former) member of the Australian press, the Media have the job to report factually, not to ESCALATE or INFLAME. They have a responsibility not to use terms such as MIDDLE EASTERN APPEARANCE, or LEBANESE Youths! The language is wrong, the language fuels hatred. It pisses me right off that they use these terms. It paints a picture that these gangs have been imported right from Lebanon. I was born here, however, because I am of Middle Eastern Appearance, does it mean that this is how I will always be described? Not as an Australian even though this is who I am?
Racism is alive and rampant in Australia. I have always been aware of it (ever since I was first called a WOG at the age of 6) and have on numerous occasions been a target of it. I see it everywhere I go, am aware of it when sales assistants serve my mum (who has been here since 1971) with a smirk and a ``couldn't be bothered attitude'' because of her accent, when people speak to my dad with patronising words and tones dripping off their tongues, when my brother is set upon by three police brandishing batons because of his looks, when my sister is at a fast food restaurant with her beautiful children and told by middle aged women that ``it's people like you who hold up the line''.
It's not fair, and I live with it, like most people I know.
However, the difference is that I would not act like an animal and bash a complete stranger.
How do we change people's attitudes? It starts with the parents, teachers (who at my school called those who weren't Anglo-Saxon ETHNICS - brandishing the word as if it was a swear word) and then the Media, the GOVERNMENT. I always find it ironic how ``Australians'' selectively embrace parts of other cultures - tabouli, stir frys, kebabs, pasta, red wine - but then lump all WOGS in one pile as soon as there is any violence or anti-social behavior. It makes me sick.
I'm proud of my heritage, I'm proud of my country Australia.
I'm scared for my children, I don't want them to be targets or feel like second rate citizens. To all those at the riot at Cronulla who were waving the Australian flag, you are an INSULT. Do not hide behind it and use it for your racist actions and words. To those IDIOTIC fuckwits who burnt the Aussie flag, shame on you - you should be locked up.
To everyone else, do not let ignorance and hatred rule. It's quite easy actually, common respect goes a long way.
Be prepared Sydney for revenge attacks.